October 2016; Commercial shoot, pilot shoot, tweet storm, Brian Wilson
Booked a commercial for Mass Mutual, as a early 80's sitcom husband! Such a fun shoot! Here's a few pictures from it.

My birthday month. Very near Halloween, so I don't mess around. The Revanant this year.
Matt Griffo's pilot is still shooting, so we did some of that. This scene is Marilyn, far right, introduces a person, Jodie, to the group and thinks she should be a roadie....because her name rhymes. My character, their good intentions manager shows up later to unveil a big gig at the Chicago Blues Festival...or so they think.

My buddy Brent from Flowfeel Films brought me a long to the Flabby Hoffman radio show one Saturday afternoon. It's quite the nutty radio show, so just check it out sometime.

In inspiration news, I had the true honor to see another concert by Brian Wilson! This time with Al Jardine (And Johnny Cusack sat behind me! Then he got up and sang along) . I went alone, sat in the third row, and had an...unforgettable evening. Such inspiring, warm songs. Or maybe warm nostalgia... of something. I don't know. The Beach Boys were the first cassette I had (belonged to my dad) and cherished that cassette and those songs; the uptempo, gotta dance hits ...and the even more important sad, teen angst inducing love/heartbreat songs. Listening to In My Room or Wendy as a young teen... made me feel like my heart could love and break with the passion of the universe ("Wendy" could be so easily changed to "Mindy" my teen love). It all made the world feel bigger to me. I mean if these guys could feel this so far, far away, then maybe the world was.... small.

I don't tweet much. Almost never. My profile tag line advises others to follow me to enjoy my yearly tweets. However! in early October every year I lay in bed and live Tweet the Chicago Marathon! Basically I make as many jokes as I can. I think I do about 50 or so. Here's a few of my favs... Ok, nevermind, I enjoy them all. Just go there: JOELtwitter
Look for around early October 2016. OR early Oct 2015. OR early Oct 2014! Sooooo many marathon jokes. I mean, you are a hero if you run it....
DIY House stuff: I grounded the electrical in the garage! Basically discovered it wasn't grounded. Luckily the cable from house to garage underground WAS, so just needed to run new cable from breaker box to junction box, and then new ground throughout the garage. Done.

END of post.