November 2016: AmazonPrime!, Film Festival, Big Change coming...
Early November Flowfeel Films screened the film I costar in, A Short History of Drugs in the Valley, at the Playground Theater in Chicago. My family came which was nice of them (Endless support from them, I swear).
Several cast and crew came out and etc. Well, Brent made a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. He said starting tomorrow, ASHDV would be available on AMAZON PRIME!

The Chicago Comedy Film Festival was started several years ago by a dear friend of mine, Jessica Hardy. We met back in 2007 when she cast me in her and her husband's (Flowfeel Films) feature film, Off The Cuff. We've done three since (A Short History of Drugs in the Valley). Anyway, she started a comedy film festival because while submitting her feature films, she found so very few festivals for comedy. This year they offered the job of Host. Basically intro/outro films/Q&As. CCFF16 was great. Jane Lynch was a special guest.
But the highlight for me was the showing of the mockumentary The Room Actors: Where Are They Now?
Now I love THE ROOM. If you don't know about it, research it. If you do, you might understand my excitement to meet Robyn Paris, mockumentary creator and "Michelle" in THE ROOM. I LOVE the ROOM, so I was honored to intro the mockumentary and see the film. We talked a lot during opening night and during the festival. We chatted/hit it off over the weekend. She's a friend now. Plus Kyle Vogt who plays Peter attended. It was an honor!
Well November saw another huge change for me. I had my last day at a job at a hotel in downtown Chicago that I had for 7 years. The job was beyond good to me. It allowed me to make the follow decision: I'm going to move to LA. To be honest, I decided back in March and talked it over with my wife. Not sure when I'll move, maybe January or February. Wife and I have been discussing it for months. I think I'll head there, crash with people while I look for a place. Over the last few months I have been reaching out to other people that may be considering to go. It almost worked out back in August that I would move in with good friend Brigid, but it fell through. Anyway, this month I stepped away from my job so i could work on our house for a few weeks before I head to LA for a while.... It's wild to think about. The next few months are really going to see a lot of change in my wife and I's life....

And last, Thanksgiving was great. My bro deep fried a turkey while i played with the kids at the park.
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